Practice statistics 2017 summary

In 2017 the midwives at Riverside Midwifery helped welcome 70 babies! Of these, there were:
62 homebirths (47 in Maryland, 9 in West Virginia, and 6 in Virginia)
3 hospital births after intrapartum transfer (during labor)
5 hospital births after antepartum transfer (before labor)
There were 3 cesarean sections in the 70 births (4.3%)
There were 0 maternal or neonatal deaths.
We provided labor support to the 8 mothers who had hospital births.
We attended 13 first time mothers.
We attended 6 VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean)
We also provided early pregnancy, well woman care, and lactation support to over 40 women during the year!
Every year I write a little summary of our practice statistics. It is vital that our community, both local and at large, realize the prevalence and safety of homebirth! We are but one little practice in one corner of the state but we are so grateful and thrilled to be a part of so many families birth journeys. We are looking forward to 2018!
#RiversideMidwifery #homebirth #homebirthmidwife #communitymidwife #lovedbymymidwives #VBAC #HBAC #waterbirth